Vladimir Makarenko,格鲁吉亚第比利斯的开发者
Vladimir is available for hire
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Vladimir Makarenko

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
March 2, 2015

Vladimir is an expert Java back-end professional with front-end and mobile development experience, 准备好作为分布式团队的成员或领导者投入到一个新项目中. 他负责、风度翩翩、守时. Vladimir has excellent modern web app development and design experience and strong math and computer science background and social skills, 让他能够处理非常棘手的问题.


White Stone Media
Java, REST api, Spring Boot, React,微服务架构,SOAP...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redshift, Redis, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)...
An Online Freelance Agency
Amazon Web Services (AWS), NoSQL, MongoDB, Docker Compose, AWS Lambda...




Preferred Environment

Chrome, IntelliJ IDEA, Windows

The most amazing...

...我的经验是当NSPK MIR支付系统, partially developed by me, 投入生产并开始处理数百万个事务.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2023
White Stone Media
  • 实现了与Usio支付提供商的集成.
  • Designed and developed a payment service for payment method details management.
  • Introduced quick coordinate/zipcode search to minimize Google Maps API requests count.
Technologies: Java, REST api, Spring Boot, React,微服务架构,SOAP, Payment Gateways, Full-stack Development, Kotlin, Amazon Web Services (AWS), TypeScript, Next.js, GraphQL, Google Analytics

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • 将大的Groovy/Grails单体解耦成小的Spring微服务, reducing legacy logic and 提高质量和测试覆盖率(到目前为止,10%的单体解耦).
  • Participated as reliability engineer extinguishing production fires and providing RCA.
  • 构建了额外的管理和监视服务, 包括Spring Boot和前端的后端API, using Angular/AngularJS.
  • 开发SSO服务,增加多区域支持.
  • 借助AWS Lambda和AWS SQS提高性能.
  • 与不同的第三方服务集成:支付, printing, Twilio, 还有一些酒店特有的服务.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Redshift, Redis, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Microservices, 站点可靠性工程(SRE), AngularJS, Spock, Grails, Groovy, Angular, MySQL, Single Sign-on (SSO), Spring, Kubernetes, Docker, Java, SQL, Spring Security, Hibernate, Amazon EC2, JUnit, Automated Testing, REST APIs, Back-end, APIs, Payment APIs, Amazon RDS, Full-stack, Apache Tomcat, CSS, HTML, Python, SSL Certificates, Responsive Web Apps, Adaptive Design, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Software Architecture, JSON, Redux, Flask, Elasticsearch, Gmail API, Cloud, Distributed Systems, Architecture, Software Design, Leadership, Scalability, Performance, Integration, API Integration, Social Media APIs, Agile, Process Automation, Multitenancy, SaaS, Databases, Microservices Architecture, Kotlin, Payment Gateways, Full-stack Development

Chief Architect

2017 - 2019
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Implemented, supported, and continuously enhanced standardized CI/CD pipelines for all Jive microservices.
  • 为新的Jive开发人员设计并开发了一个培训训练营计划.
  • 开发基于cloud Jive的内部部署解决方案, removing all AWS dependencies, 删减不必要的模块.
  • Improved modularity of application and started monolith decoupling initiative.
  • Worked on designing and implementing new features and maintaining existing ones in the Jive app and its microservices.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), NoSQL, MongoDB, Docker Compose, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, AngularJS, Angular, PostgreSQL, Spring, Java, SQL, JUnit, Back-end, Technical Leadership, APIs, Full-stack, Apache Tomcat, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Software Architecture, JSON, REST APIs, Elasticsearch, Test-driven Development (TDD), Cloud, Distributed Systems, Architecture, Software Design, Integration, API Integration, RabbitMQ, SaaS, Databases, Microservices Architecture, Payment Gateways, Full-stack Development, TypeScript

Senior Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Developed a back end for internal medical software for media and connected metadata management.
  • Integrated software with existing medical subsystems through HL7 and DICOM protocols.
  • 在React中开发了一个管理后台, 它使配置和检查状态的速度提高了两到三倍.
  • Created a web app for blood-product management in AngularJS and Spring Boot and API for mobile apps.
  • Worked a lot on making development and delivery processes mature, fast, and responsive.
Technologies: React, AngularJS, Spring Boot, Spring, Java, SQL, Spring Security, Android Development, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Amazon EC2, JUnit, Amazon Web Services (AWS), 快速医疗互操作性资源(FHIR), Automated Testing, REST APIs, Back-end, Technical Leadership, APIs, Full-stack, Apache Tomcat, CSS, HTML, Python, Responsive Web Apps, JavaScript, JSON, Redux, Test-driven Development (TDD), Software Design, Integration, API Integration, Agile, Process Automation, RabbitMQ, SaaS, Databases, Full-stack Development

Senior Java Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 帮助策划和设计一个社交网络应用程序.
  • 从头开始学习游戏框架,并开始全力工作.
  • 修复了不同的UI问题(浏览器特定的,动画和东西).
  • 深入研究一些Angular库,根据我们的需要定制它.
  • 开发产品,在紧迫的期限内完成.
Technologies: AngularJS, Play Framework, Back-end, Software Architecture, JSON, REST APIs, OAuth 2, Agile, Databases

Lead Developer

2016 - 2016
  • 设计并实现了系统的各个部分.
  • Created an Android app with social integration, geolocation, camera, and connection to a REST API.
  • 为Android和web实现了一个通用后端.
  • 用AngularJS实现了一个web后台.
Technologies: AngularJS, Hibernate, MySQL, Spring, Android, SQL, Spring Security, Android Development, REST APIs, Back-end, Technical Leadership, APIs, Payment APIs, Full-stack, Apache Tomcat, CSS, HTML, Software Architecture, JSON, OAuth 2, Social Media APIs, Agile, Full-stack Development, TypeScript

Android Developer

2016 - 2016
Flying Manta
  • 从零开始开发了Double Dog Dare应用.
  • 在应用程序中实现了Twitter数字验证.
  • 将应用程序连接到现有的REST API.
  • Implemented Android design and UI patterns while compiling the app from the iOS version.
Technologies: Java, Android, Android Development, JSON, OAuth 2, Social Media APIs, Agile

Software Engineer

2016 - 2016
  • 将构建系统从Ant迁移到Gradle.
  • 为应用程序进行代码审查和外部合规测试.
  • 修复了应用程序中最关键部分的紧急错误.
Technologies: Spring, Gradle, Java, SQL, Spring Security, Hibernate, Back-end, JSON, REST APIs, Agile, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Android Developer

2016 - 2016
HubBox (via Toptal)
  • 开发一个Android应用原型.
  • 与其他开发人员进行交互,将应用程序与API连接起来.
  • 通过Twitter API进行社交整合.
技术:Java, Android, Android开发,JSON,过程自动化

Software Developer

2015 - 2016
5AmSolutions (via Toptal)
  • 帮助创建设计和支持文档.
  • 参与技术堆栈选择.
  • Developed a medical app with JHipster stack with a cool team of talented distributed developers.
Technologies: MongoDB, JHipster, Spring Boot, AngularJS, SQL, Spring Security, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, JUnit, REST APIs, Back-end, APIs, Payment APIs, Full-stack, CSS, HTML, Responsive Web Apps, JavaScript, JSON, Process Automation, Databases


2014 - 2015
  • Developed a high-load distributed system processing credit card transactions all around Russia.
  • Helped design internal projects for maintaining and supporting the card processing system.
  • Contributed to the development of a test system for banks and automated the test system to incorporate continuous integration principles.
Technologies: JDBC, Spring, Multithreading, Java, Clojure, Spring Boot, SQL, Back-end, Consulting, Python, JSON, Cloud, Leadership, Performance, Databases, Microservices Architecture, Payment Gateways

Lead Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Designed an internal project (CRM system + warehouse management system) from scratch with a team of developers.
  • Managed, documented, and created application development processes as the head of a small unit.
  • 制定所有的设计、管理和人力资源决策.
  • 与一家正在为我们的API开发移动应用的外部公司合作. Integrated the mobile app.
Technologies: Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Ext JS, Java EE, Back-end, Technical Leadership, Full-stack, Apache Tomcat, CSS, HTML, Responsive Web Apps, JavaScript, JSON, Leadership, Databases, Full-stack Development

Senior Full-stack Developer

2012 - 2013
TopCase, Ltd.
  • Created a cross-browser front end based on mockups with Bootstrap and AngularJS.
  • 为第三方集成设计并实现了一个公共REST API.
  • 创建负载测试并解决瓶颈性能问题.
  • Developed a web application to manage government paperwork and internal processes.
  • Integrated a legacy application with a business process management framework.
Technologies: Oracle, HTML5, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Java EE, SQL, Back-end, Consulting, Document Parsing, Email Parsing, PDF, Full-stack, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Full-stack Development

Senior Java Developer

2011 - 2012
  • Contributed to the development of a web banking platform for the biggest commercial bank in Russia.
  • Collaborated with a great team of developers and shared experience during everyday Kanban meetings.
  • 作为团队负责人开发账户创建和编辑模块.
  • Jax-WS web服务层部分设计, 负责银行平台和其他银行内部应用程序的后端工作.
  • Dove into the Oracle ADF framework and did my best in using its possibilities and advantages.
Technologies: Oracle, jQuery, JSF, ADF, Java EE, Back-end, Consulting, Document Parsing, Email Parsing, PDF, Full-stack, HTML, JSON, Performance, Microservices Architecture, Payment Gateways, SOAP

Middle Java Developer

2011 - 2011
  • 为银行账户系统开发后端.
  • 参与网络银行平台开发.
  • 深入JavaEE技术和框架的世界, 并在实际的商业应用实例中进行了比较.
  • Created unit tests for the banking platform and functions and behaviors for the webservice layer.
  • Participated in the introduction and integration of CI with our company development processes.
Technologies: ADF, Apache Wicket, JSF, Java EE, Consulting, Microservices Architecture, SOAP

Alice App

Jira-like web application for hotel management allows assigning client requests to different categories and tracking their execution. It also provides many close and related functionality in various business areas: communication, reports, statistics, and more.

As a senior software engineer, my role was to maintain high feature quality and product reliability during product growth and enhancement.

Main goals and challenges:

•将大型Groovy/Grails单体解耦为小型Spring微服务, reducing legacy logic, 提高质量和测试覆盖率(到目前为止,10%的单体解耦)
• Participating as a reliability engineer, extinguishing production fires and providing RCA
•建立额外的管理和监测服务, including front end, using Angular/AngularJS
•借助AWS Lambda和AWS SQS提高性能

Jive Intranet Platform

Jive is Confluence-like document storage and internal communication platform.
• Implemented, supported, and continuously enhanced standardized CI/CD pipelines for all Jive microservices.
• 为新的Jive开发人员设计并开发了一个培训训练营计划.
•开发基于云Jive的内部部署解决方案, 删除所有AWS依赖项并删除不必要的模块.


An online banking platform. 我是作为新模块和遗留模块的全栈开发人员参与的. 从头开始设计并实现了一个费用跟踪模块. Participated in massive back office redesign and was in charge of keeping the client experience smooth and constant.


银行操作人员管理客户账户的内部应用程序, reset passwords, create new service channels, etc. In addition, I was working on integration with on-site ATMs and cash dispensers.


A document automation system ordered by a municipal government to manage and optimize processes and exclude extra paperwork. 这个系统允许市政府进行规划, control, manage, track and report inspections of organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered in the city.

HubBox Android App

申请包裹管理. With this app you can receive your parcel from wherever you want: local stores, pharmacies, etc.


Double Dog Dare Android App

Double Dog Dare is an Android app ported from iOS that is something like "Nerve" film app. 你可以和任何人打赌,如果你喜欢,你可以为真钱或点数打赌.



Java, Python, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, Groovy, TypeScript, GraphQL, HTML5, Clojure, Ruby, PHP, Bash, Scala, C, C++, Kotlin


AngularJS, JPA, Spring, Play, Spring MVC, Android SDK, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, JUnit, Thymeleaf, Redux, Flask, OAuth 2, Next.js, Bootstrap, ADF, JSF, Apache Wicket, Chrome, Ext JS, Play Framework, Grails, Angular, Spock, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Wickets


Underscore.js, REST APIs, React, Social APIs, Retrofit, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, jQuery, Gmail API, Social Media APIs, JDBC, Node.js, JAX-RS, MyBatis


SoapUI, IntelliJ IDEA, Docker Compose, JHipster, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse IDE, Git, Apache JMeter, Apache Tomcat, RabbitMQ, Gradle, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Android Studio, RubyMine, Google Analytics


面向对象编程(OOP), Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Kanban, Unit Testing, Load Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, REST, Automated Testing, Agile, Key Performance Metrics, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery (CD), Mobile UI Design, Functional Programming, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, 快速医疗互操作性资源(FHIR)


Android, Oracle, Java EE, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM WebSphere, Windows, Unix, JBoss, Docker, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Apache Kafka, NVIDIA CUDA, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


JSON, Databases, Spring Data, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Amazon DynamoDB, NoSQL, Redis, Redshift


Android Development, Software Development, Back-end, Architecture, APIs, Full-stack, Software Design, Payment Gateways, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Multithreading, EclipseLink, Technical Leadership, Payment APIs, Consulting, Amazon RDS, Document Parsing, Email Parsing, PDF, SSL Certificates, Software Architecture, Cloud, Distributed Systems, Leadership, Scalability, Performance, Integration, API Integration, Web Scraping, Process Automation, Multitenancy, SaaS, Data Scraping, SOAP, Single Sign-on (SSO), 站点可靠性工程(SRE), Unix Shell Scripting, WebLogic, Responsive Web Apps, Adaptive Design, Scraping

2009 - 2015



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